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Drivers Ed Overview


Our HPC Driver’s Ed educational materials are now on Canvas! You can find our content in Canvas Commons by entering hpc into the search box.

Welcome to the HPC Drivers Ed course!


This course was designed by the Software Team of the Research Computing Center to help new users understand the basics of High Performance Computing and how to best use our system for research and instruction.

Our collection of videos will help you learn all the material you need to safely and easily navigate the HPC cluster. At the end of the course, there is find a quiz which will certify you as a Certified HPC user on the HPC.

We hope you enjoy and learn!!!


This course is divided into two tracks depending on the technical background of the learner.

  • If you have experience using a terminal and want to use it to log in and use our services, please use Track 1.
  • If you are more comfortable using our web portal, Open OnDemand, follow Track 2.

After you complete your desired track (or both tracks), there are subsequent sections dealing with specific software platforms.

The course modules cover the following topics:

  1. Intro to High Performance Computing
  2. Track 1: SSH/terminal
  3. Track 2: Open OnDemand
  4. Getting started with Python
  5. Getting started with MATLAB
  6. Getting started with R
  7. Troubleshooting