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Stata is a software tool for performing statistical analysis of data.

Stata requires an environment module

In order to use Stata, you must first load the appropriate environment module:

module load stata

This application is available in Open OnDemand.

The Stata software is licensed and has been provided by the Department of Political Science.


If you do not need high-performance or parallelization features of Stata, you can use the myFSUVLab service as an alternative.

Using Stata on RCC resources#

There are multiple versions of Stata on the HPC. To see available versions, run module avail stata from a login node. You will see output similar to the following:

$ module avail stata

------------------------------------------ /opt/modulefiles/core ------------------------------------------
   stata/13mp    stata/15    stata/16mp    stata/16 (D)    stata/18

   D:  Default Module

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules and extensions.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".


mp refers to a multiprocessor version of Stata

There are two ways to run Stata on the HPC: Interactive, graphical mode, and mon-interactive batch mode.

License restrictions#

The following table shows license limitations for versions Stata we offer:

Version Maximum concurrent jobs Maximum cores per job
stata/18 50 simultaneous jobs n/a
stata/16mp 6 simultaneous jobs 12 cores per job
stata/16 6 simultaneous jobs n/a
stata/13mp 6 simultaneous jobs 12 cores per job
stata/15 50 simultaneous jobs n/a

Running Stata interactively#

To invoke the Stata graphical interface, start the interactive app in Open OnDemand.

Running Stata in batch mode#


Typically, you will want to use a multiprocessing (mp) version of Stata for batch jobs. Refer to the above module avail stata command for information about available multiprocessing versions.

You can submit non-interactive batch mode Stata jobs to the scheduler. This is the preferred way to submit long-running Stata jobs.

The following is an example of a batch job submission script ( that will run a Stata job via the Slurm scheduler with a do-file named


#SBATCH --job-name="My Stata Job"
#SBATCH -A genacc_q
#SBATCH -t 04:00:00 

module load stata/16mp
stata -b do

Installing 3rd Party Libraries in Stata#


You can run the ssc command to install packages from within Stata.

In order to install 3rd party libraries and packages in Stata:

  1. Find the package you want to install on the web.
  2. Load the correct Stata module.
  3. Run ssc install <PACKAGE_NAME> replacing <PACKAGE_NAME> with the name of the package you want installed.
  4. If you type which <PACKAGE_NAME> (again replacing <PACKAGE_NAME> with the name of your package), you should see the package location as a place in your home directory.


$ module load stata/16
$ stata

. ssc install reghdfe
checking reghdfe consistency and verifying not already installed...
installing into /gpfs/home/<YOUR_FSUID>/ado/plus/...
installation complete.

. which reghdfe
*! version 6.12.3 08aug2023