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A fast and efficient versatile quantum mechanical simulation software package.

DFTB+ requires an environment module

In order to use DFTB+, you must first load the appropriate environment module:

module load intel openmpi

Preparing Input Files & Running DFTB+#

  1. Create a working directory for your simulation:
    $ mkdir dftb_simulation
    $ cd dftb_simulation
  2. Prepare the required input files for DFTB+, including the geometry and parameters file (e.g., dftb_in.hsd). Refer to the DFTB+ documentation for details on input file preparation.
  3. To perform the calculations using DFTB+, execute the following command:
    $ dftb+
  4. This will initiate the calculations, and the resulting output will be displayed.

For further information about how to use DFTB+, please refer to DFTB+ documentation.